I am currently teaching in the Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing Dpt of the ULCO Institute of Technology (IUT du Littoral), located in Calais. The Dpt prepares students for the French Bachelor of Technology degree (BUT).
Links coming soon…
- Vision industrielle (BUT3), in charge.
- Maintenance industrielle (BUT3), in charge.
- Maintenance industrielle (BUT2), in charge.
- Robotique (BUT2), teaching.
- Automatisme (BUT1), teaching.
- Vision industrielle (BUT3), in charge.
- Maintenance industrielle (BUT3), in charge.
- Maintenance industrielle (BUT2), in charge.
- Maintenance industrielle (BUT2), in charge.
- Robotique (BUT2), teaching.
- Automatique (BUT2), teaching.
From Sept. 2021 to Aug. 2022, I was teaching as a postdoctoral lecturer in the Mathematical Engineering Dpt and in the Computer Science Dpt of the University of Rouen, France.
- Statistics
- Numerical analysis
- Optimisation
- Information theory
- Update trainins sessions in mathematics
During my PhD, I was a junior lecturer at the University of Toulouse (INP-ENSEEIHT).
- Probability and statistics
- Fourier analysis
- Signal Processing